Would You Rather Be Loved or Feared?
Be Feared or Be Loved?
To be loved, or to be feared? We’ve all been told that love drives away all fear. It sounds great, but it’s likely not true. It is much better to be feared.
I would rather be loved, but being feared has a lot more benefits. In a perfect world, love is automatic. Don’t forget though, that we don’t live in a perfect world.
I would rather be loved because fear is something that we all face.
Here’s the problem with rather than being loved.
Who was the last person you hurt? Who was the last person that hurt you? Chances are that you love that person. This brings me to my main point.
We’re more likely to hurt those we love before we hurt those we fear. I look at old conversations I had on Facebook Messenger with my mom, who passed away in 2017. I couldn’t believe I treated my mom so poorly. Yet, I loved her.
I see some couples who should have never had a baby together. I know deep down inside they probably want out of the relationship. Why do they stay together with no love? Must be love, right?