Well then, goodbye!

Joseph Mayuyo
4 min readApr 2, 2024

Dear Writers who can see this

This is dangerous. It is the most dangerous piece of content I’ve ever seen in an email.

Whenever somebody, anybody, or a company tells you what you can and cannot say or what you can and cannot write about, that’s a problem.

First of all, I understand we’re talking about vaccines. I understand. But it’s up to the people to decide whether they believe in that or not.

I’m not a scientist. I clearly can barely even fucking write. I’m just so fucking pissed right now because I was making like a good 12 cents per article and I wanted my $1 this year.

When I first joined, I couldn’t get off this page. I was stuck on medium. Now this shit is fucking… it’s just a straight up fucking cash-grab scam.

It’s just a place for people to come and write with people that have fucking publications and shit like that. It’s all fucking bullshit. When I first came here, I remember everybody was writing real shit. And when everybody was writing independently, they were writing real meaningful shit.

And that’s what was cool. But now everyone’s just writing to fucking feed their fucking publications and guidelines and shit. This is not no fucking medium anymore. This is a fucking… This is a small.

And I hate to say this stuff because you know I hate to burn bridges, and I fucking enjoyed being here because I wrote some of my most meaningful shit here, but you know what? Fuck that.

Not you’re not going to take away my artistic freedom over some fucking bullshit. It’s like, so fucking, what if I write about a vaccine. So fucking what? Who cares? Nobody cares? I get one view, two views max. Why even bother banning somebody or suspending them if they don’t even get past 30 opinions in most of their fucking articles? Which is fucking insane!

Anyway, guys, I just want to say that this is dangerous, and I’m out of this bitch because I’m not wanted here; I’m undervalued.

So yeah, because I think the medium is only for AI-driven articles and people who don’t know how to write but have the clout for some reason, and people just like all their posts and stuff like that.

When was the last time you saw some fucking life-changing articles on here? It’s been a while right? It’s been a long time.

You have rehashed articles of Tim Denning just writing shit that you know is true, and it hurts to the core of your soul, but that’s it. That’s all you have. You can subscribe to the substack.

Never any more, though. You see the young writers, the ones who didn’t even know how to write appropriately yet, you know, trying to tell their story as best as they could and stuff like that, but they couldn’t because maybe their English was bad. Perhaps the grammar was not all there. But that was the beauty of the medium.

The beauty of it before was that you didn’t have to be proper. You just had to tell a story, and then someone had to understand it somehow, in some way. And if you told the story and they understood, it was great. But now they just want you to follow this fucking agenda.

And that goes against its faith. It goes against its own beliefs. Why would a company have these mission statements and then go against their mission statement? It’s like, who the fuck do you guys think you guys are?

I wrote some of my best pieces here and was paid nothing. I see people profiting from my writing and shit like that pisses me off but of course you know I’m not going to crash out and go crazy you know I just accepted. I know that those people down in corporate those people would fucking know that they steal so many people’s work every single day. Every fucking day they steal someone’s work.

I just want to tell you that beware, if you fucking join this platform, beware, your fucking shit will get stolen. They will still do your work; they do it every day. There are hardworking people here who have an innocent heart, and they write their heart out, and it gets stolen from them.

Unless you’re Tim Denning, I highly recommend you stay away from this fucking platform. Tim Denning can write about how he masturbates to his articles and how he uses his wife’s napkins to wipe his cum off of his belly button, and that shit will do way better than your whole life story.

Goodbye, all! Please keep in touch if we have spoken before. I remember everyone I’ve interacted with.




Joseph Mayuyo

I write about being a functional addict in dysfunctional relationships. Living in a world that wasn’t created for us to thrive, I write to keep us alive. #Hope