I Can’t Write For Sh*t
The self-sabotage of being unrich
I’m going to make this short because for the last few weeks I haven’t had any inspiration or motivation in me to finish an article I started writing.
I think I write better without Grammarly but still, I have the free version now. Let me also preface by saying that I’m probably complaining so if you ain't feeling it, you can leave now. Thanks for giving me a shot.
Being poor is a curse unlike any other. It’s a particular kind of poor — to be specific, it’s being on the poverty line, but having enough to hide the fact. I knew a girl once who dressed herself to the drip and her makeup was never off point. You would never think that she was extremely living beyond her means unless you spent days with her on a cocaine binge.
I happen to be on the receiving end. Don’t get her wrong, she doesn’t spend all of her money on cocaine and she isn’t even a junkie. She’s a “holier than thou” Christian girl who’s in living in denial. So much denial, it’s only the most expensive of drugs she’s addicted to. Here’s the kicker, as I said, she is pretty. So pretty that you couldn’t imagine her ever cheating on her boy.
Don’t let her appearance fool you, she’s a guilty one. Here I am, laying next to her as she breaks the soft rock down into a powder. The first time…