Cut The BS, Here’s How To Know That You Got The Job

Interviews have changed dramatically

Joseph Mayuyo
4 min readFeb 1, 2022
Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Do you have any questions for me? This question, when asked, is the time to know if you got the job or not; usually, this is the end of the interview question. I know it seems a little eager, but you don’t have time to wait around. I’ve had more job interviews than the average person. I can always tell if I’m hired or not. It’s no superpower, and it’s all in the details.

I pay a lot of attention to body language and non-verbal communication. Sometimes I do it too much to the point that I’m staring someone dead in the eye and do not process at all what that person just blabbered out.
You can see now why I have so many interviews. I also ask many questions because if we’re playing bullshit, let’s go all in.

Do you have any questions for me? This is where I find out if I got the job. You have to ask these questions directly with grace. It takes some practice.

“Am I the last candidate you’re interviewing for this position?”
I pretty much was hired on the spot for many jobs I had. This question is the smoothest way to determine whether you got the job or not. Most of the time, you don’t need to ask these questions because the interview felt more like a meet and greet versus an interview. On some…



Joseph Mayuyo

Millennial, Journalist, Author, Creator & Most Humble. I write because tomorrow is not a promise. My words will outlive me. I hope you find comfort in them.